Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, 7 May 2012

hmmmmm..... puasa la.....

hari ni aku puasa....
hummmm.. penatnyer... kne masak lg.....
nk masak pe hari ni ye.... ade sotong.... mcm bole masak sotong masak merah.....
sesudah ciap rendahkn sotong.... i take anions and also garlic.... if nk masak sotong no need put ginger.... just my suggestion.. hahahha... the anions and garlic must be blend.. tp make sure jgn smpai btol2 lumat.. nti x best... just nice jew... da ciap bahan2... mula kn menumis... aikkkkk??? where is blended chilies??? huargggggg!!!!! ape nk bt ni... hurm... at the same time i see the tomato sos and chili sos... nahhh... ank kau... tuang mcm tu jew.... n put a little bit sos tiram.. and enough... sotong masak sekejap je.. coz if masak lame akn jd keras.. nti xbest... kelakar je.... hahahha...

and jd la my sotong masak merah.. see this... so delicious... hahhaha.. even i puasa... tp secukup rase... terbaik laaa... hahahah